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The Olympics: A Squandered Opportunity to Promote Sustainability, by Chris Thomas

Posted by: | April 17, 2014 Comments Off on The Olympics: A Squandered Opportunity to Promote Sustainability, by Chris Thomas |

Due to the unifying effect and international notoriety of the Olympics, a unique opportunity exists for the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the governing body of the Olympic Games, to set a global example in areas such as sustainability. While few people follow scientific advancements, roughly two-thirds of the public follows sports.[2] Recognizing this, the IOC seized the opportunity by adopting the United Nation’s Agenda 21. The IOC has also taken concrete steps to implement the goals of that voluntary action plan, demonstrating that the move was not simply a publicity stunt.

Agenda 21 constitutes a voluntary, non-binding “global partnership for sustainable development.”[3] The handiwork of the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development, the Agenda covers issues ranging from protection of the atmosphere to dealing with radioactive waste. Beyond identifying issues of concern, the Agenda delineates means to address those issues. The first preamble proclaims the fundamental belief that “[i]ntegration of environment and developmental concerns and greater attention to them will lead to … [a] more prosperous future.” Thus, the framers of Agenda 21 sought to harmonize developmental and environmental concerns to achieve greater sustainability—a noble goal to say the least.

The IOC adopted Agenda 21 in 1999, using it as the basis for the IOC Guide to Sport, Environment, and Sustainable Development.[4] That guide aims to transform the suggestions of Agenda 21 into implementable concrete actions for the sporting community, participating countries, and other involved entities. In addition to developing the Guide, a number of Olympic environmental seminars occurred, which cultivated open discussion among stakeholders about how to make the Games sustainable.[5] Unfortunately, these efforts, though laudable, have seen only small degrees of success. While host countries and other contributors publicly maintain a dedication to achieving the IOC’s sustainability goals, those claims often prove illusory.

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