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How Can Consumers Best Ensure that the Products They Purchase Were Produced in a Socially Responsible Manner? by Krista Delisle

Posted by: | May 10, 2014 Comments Off on How Can Consumers Best Ensure that the Products They Purchase Were Produced in a Socially Responsible Manner? by Krista Delisle |

Initially, I thought that there could be a separate social responsibility rating in addition to the current environmental ratings that we currently employ.  However, after further research, I agree with Mr. Buckley that we have to look at the “full life cycle” to accurately provide the consumer with the capability to make a fully informed decision in making a purchase. While environmental ratings attempt to look at the cycle of the materials (are the sustainable, where did they come from, etc), and in doing so, sometimes touch on social impacts, they do not delve far enough into considering social impacts for the sake of doing so.  But what might such a label look like?


I would like to highlight three models, the Novethic SRI label, Project Label and the JUST label.  They can be found, respectively, at




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